Advertising - 11th Form
Останнє редагування: 2015-02-26
Автор: Косовцева Олена Вікторівна
План-конспект уроку англійської мови №__ в 11 класі
Market Leader Intermediate New Edition. – D. Cotton, D. Falvey. – Pearson Education, 2006
Тема уроку: |
Advertising |
Цілі уроку: |
Практична: |
Практика вусному мовленні,вдосконалення навичок читання та аудіювання. Покращувати вимову учнів. |
Освітня: |
Активізувати вживання лексики з теми «Реклама». Розширювати філологічний світогляд учнів. |
Розвиваюча: |
Розвивати довготривалу, оперативну пам'ять, культуру мовлення, критичне мислення, здатність самостійно планувати мовний вчинок, вміння логічно, послідовно висловлювати думки іноземною мовою. Сприяти розвитку адекватного сприйняття неадаптованого англомовного відео та аудіо, мовної здогадки та мовленнєвої реакції учнів. Розвивати уміння колективної співпраці. |
Виховна: |
Виховувати інтерес до процесу створення реклами та бажання зрозуміти механізми впливу на свідомість людей, культуру спілкування. Підвищувати мотивацію до вивчення іноземної мови. |
Обладнання уроку: |
Інтерактивна дошка, підручник, робочий зошит, роздаткові картки, аудіо - та відеозапис, ноутбук, проектор, фломастери. |
Схематичний план уроку
1. Початок уроку. Організація класу. |
2. Оголошення теми. Мовленнєва розминка. |
3. Основна частина уроку. Перевірка домашнього завдання. Повторення лексики за темою.Практика діалогічного мовлення. |
4. Практикааудіювання. Робота з роздатковими картками. |
5. Практика читання. |
6. Презентація проектів у малих групах. |
7. Заключна частина уроку. Підведення підсумків. |
Хід уроку
Етап |
Зміст роботи |
Етап 1. Початок уроку. Організація класу. |
T:Good morning! I amhappy to see you! Please welcome our guests (…) We are really happy to have so many visitors at our lesson today, and we hope you will enjoy it. |
Етап 2. Перегляд відео. Оголошення теми. Мовленнєва розминка. Бесіда за темою. |
T.: To begin with, I’d like you to watch a short video and recollect the topic of our lesson. (…) What kind of video was it? (a commercial) And what is the topic of our lesson? (Advertising) That’s right. If you look at the screen you’ll see that today we are going to sum up everything we have learnt concerning the topic “Advertising”. (Slide with the aims of the lesson…)
Let’s give the definitions of the main notions referring to the topic. What is advertising, S1? S2? I’m glad you remember the meaning of our key word. Tell me please, why is advertising so popular nowadays? What makes a good advertisement? How can different kinds of advertisements affect people?
Етап 3. Основна частина уроку. Перевірка домашнього завдання. Контроль засвоєння лексики за темою.Робота вмалих групах. Практика діалогічного мовлення. |
T.: To illustrate the influence of advertising we learned a dialogue. As we are pressed for time, I will only ask a couple of students to act it out. While they are doing it, the rest will work in groups and do the task on the cards you’ll get in a minute to see whether you are on good terms with our active vocabulary. It’s a chart which contains the words referring to the topic “Advertising”. The first group is going to write out only the names of the advertising media, the second one – the methods of advertising, the third one – the verbs to do with advertising. (Slide –the mixed chart) (Dialogue presentation) Thank you for your artistic and emotional presentation. Are you ready with your crosswords? Let’s check your answers. (Come up to the whiteboard and stick your answer sheets underneath) (Slide –the three-column chart)
Етап 4. Практикааудіювання. Робота з роздатковими картками. |
T.: Dealing with our current topic we have discussed various advertising techniques. Which ones d you happen to remember? Which of them do you consider to be the most effective ones? Why? (…) On the handouts you can see a few more techniques used by presenters to get the attention of the audience at the start of a presentation. (Slide “Advertising Techniques”) You’re going to work in pairs. Listen to the beginnings of five presentations and match them with the names of the advertising techniques below. (1d, 2a, 3b, 4e, 5c)
Етап 5. Практика читання. Робота в парах. |
T.: As you can see, advertising techniques are endless. They have been developing for centuries. As long ago as in Ancient Greece a philosopher named Aristotle noticed that when people tried to persuade each other, they used three main tactics which he called Ethos, Logos and Pathos. In pairs you have the opportunity to read the text and understand what is implied by these words. After you read the text, look through the phrases taken from different advertisements and state which of the techniques is used in each of them.
Persuasive Techniques in Advertising
The persuasive strategies used by advertisers who want you to buy their product can be divided into three categories: pathos, logos, and ethos. Pathos: an appeal to emotion. An advertisement using pathos will attempt to evoke an emotional response in the consumer. Sometimes, it is a positive emotion such as happiness: an image of people enjoying themselves while drinking Pepsi. Other times, advertisers will use negative emotions such as pain: a person having back problems after buying the “wrong” mattress. Pathos can also include emotions such as fear and guilt: images of a starving child persuade you to send money. Logos: an appeal to logic or reason. An advertisement using logos will give you the evidence and statistics you need to fully understand what the product does. The logos of an advertisement will be the "straight facts" about the product: One glass of Florida orange juice contains 75% of your daily Vitamin C needs. Ethos: an appeal to credibility or character. An advertisement using ethos will try to convince you that the company is more reliable, honest, and credible; therefore, you should buy its product. Ethos often involves statistics from reliable experts, such as nine out of ten dentists agree that Crest is the better than any other brand or Americas dieters choose Lean Cuisine. Often, a celebrity endorses a product to lend it more credibility: Catherine Zeta-Jones makes us want to switch to T-Mobile.
Practise labeling pathos, logos, and ethos by placing a P, L, or E in the blank:
Етап 6. Презентація проектів. Робота в групах. |
T.: I know that there are two groups of students here who have prepared their own advertisements. You are welcome to present your projects now. Group 1, start, please. (…) Thank you very much, it was brilliant.
Етап 7. Заключна частина уроку. Підведення підсумків уроку, виставлення оцінок, повідомлення домашнього завдання.
T: I appreciate your bright ideas. What conclusion have you drawn from today’s lesson? Would modern world be the same without advertising? Next time you go shopping, will you buy a widely advertised product or try something you have never heard of? I enjoyed the way you worked at the lesson. You were active and smart. Your marks are… because… The lesson is over! We are thankful to our guests for their attention. Bye! |
Look through the list below and write out the words which belong to the advertising media:
Look through the list below and write out the words which belong to the methods of advertising:
Look through the list below and write out the verbs which refer to advertising:
Look through the list below and write out the verbs which refer to advertising:
Advertising techniques
What advertising techniques do you know? Which of them do you consider to be the most effective?
Presenters can use different techniques to get their audience’s attention at the start of a presentation. Listen to the start of five presentations and match them with the techniques below:
a) tell a personal story
b) offer an amazing fact
c) use a quotation
d) ask a question
e) state a problem
Speaker |
Technique |
Advertising techniques
What advertising techniques do you know? Which of them do you consider to be the most effective?
Presenters can use different techniques to get their audience’s attention at the start of a presentation. Listen to the start of five presentations and match them with the techniques below:
a) tell a personal story
b) offer an amazing fact
c) use a quotation
d) ask a question
e) state a problem
Speaker |
Technique |
Persuasive Techniques in Advertising
The persuasive strategies used by advertisers who want you to buy their product can be divided into three categories: pathos, logos, and ethos.
Pathos: an appeal to emotion.
An advertisement using pathos will attempt to evoke an emotional response in the consumer. Sometimes, it is a positive emotion such as happiness: an image of people enjoying themselves while drinking Pepsi. Other times, advertisers will use negative emotions such as pain: a person having back problems after buying the “wrong” mattress. Pathos can also include emotions such as fear and guilt: images of a starving child persuade you to send money.
Logos: an appeal to logic or reason.
An advertisement using logos will give you the evidence and statistics you need to fully understand what the product does. The logos of an advertisement will be the "straight facts" about the product: One glass of
Florida orange juice contains 75% of your daily Vitamin C needs.
Ethos: an appeal to credibility or character.
An advertisement using ethos will try to convince you that the company is more reliable, honest, and credible; therefore, you should buy its product.
Ethos often involves statistics from reliable experts, such as nine out of ten dentists agree that Crest is the better than any other brand or Americas dieters choose Lean Cuisine. Often, a celebrity endorses a product to lend it more credibility: Catherine Zeta-Jones makes us want to switch to T-Mobile.
Practise labeling pathos, logos, and ethos by placing a P, L, or E in the blank:
11. _____ A child is shown covered in bug bites after using an inferior bug spray.
12. _____ Tiger Woods endorses Nike.
13. _____ Sprite Zero is 100% sugar-free.
14. _____ A 32-oz. bottle of Tide holds enough to wash 32 loads.
15. _____ A commercial shows an image of a happy couple riding in a Corvette.
16. _____ Cardiologists recommend Ecotrin more than any other brand of aspirin.
17. _____ Advil Liqui-Gels provide up to 8 hours of continuous pain relief.
18. _____ Miley Cyrus appears in Oreo advertisements.
19. _____ People who need more energy drink Red Bull Energy Drink.