Ви Гість.

Health is Better than Wealth. Part 1

Останнє редагування: 2015-03-12

Автор: Мантуленко Людмила Афанасіївна


Заклад «Фізико-математична гімназія № 17 Вінницької міської ради»





Електронні дидактичні матеріали


(7 клас)




Учитель англійської мови,

спеціаліст вищої категорії вчитель методист

Мантуленко Людмила Афанасіївна



2015 – 2015 н.р.

 Part I               To be fit

Task 1    Answer the questions:

1.      What does it mean to be fit?

2.      What do you need to be fit?


Task 2   Fill the missing words in the list of advice on keeping fit:


( around, healthy, healthy, regularly, before, regularly, teeth, thin, enough, smoke, sweets, fat,  shower, body, clean, clean, early, well )


1.      Eat … . Choose … food.

2.      Don’t always sit …

3.      Exercise …

4.      Keep your clothes … and change them …

5.      Take care of your … Keep it … and …

6.      Have … sleep. Go to bed … .

7.      Never … .

8.      Wash your hands … you eat.

9.      Take a cool or cold … .

10.  Clean your … every morning and every evening.

11.  Too many … are bad for you especially for your teeth.

12.  Too little food makes you … . Too much food makes you … .


Task 3   Answer the questions:


1.    How often should you exercise?

1.    What daily habits should you have?


2. How often should you change your underwear?

3. How often should you change your socks?

4. How often should you change your jeans/ trousers/ skirt?

5. How often should you change your shirt / blouse?


6. How often should you wash your hands?

7. How often should you wash your body?

8. How often should you wash your hair?

9. How often should you trim your nails?

10. How often should you have a hair-cut?


11. How often should you clean your teeth?

12. How often should you change your toothbrush?


13. What food should you eat?

14. What six things does our body need to be healthy and to grow?

15. What do carbohydrates[kɑ͟ː(r)boʊha͟ɪdreɪts] give us?

16. What do fats give us?

17. What does fibre[fa͟ɪbə(r)] give us ?

18. What do proteins[pro͟ʊtiːnz] give us?

19. What do minerals[mɪ̱nərəlz] give us?

20. What do vitamins[‘vɪ̱təmɪnz, AM va͟ɪt-] give us?


Task 4  What products contain carbohydrates / fats/ fibre/ proteins/ minerals/ vitamins?




Task 5    Who are healthy people?

1. Healthy people are free from pains.

2. Healthy people are free from aches.

3. Healthy people are free from illnesses.

4. Healthy people are free from diseases.

5. Healthy people are free from injuries.

6. Healthy people are free mentally.

7. Healthy people are active.

8. Healthy people are optimistic.

9. Healthy people are energetic.

10.  Healthy people are friendly.

11.  Healthy people are sporty.

12.  Healthy people are resistant to diseases.

13.  They have flexible bodies.

14.  They have strong bodies.

15.  They have guts.

16.  They have stamina.

17.  They have agility.

18.  They have endurance.

19.  They look attractive.

20.  They look young.

21.  They look attractive.

22.  They look happy.     Etc.)


Task 6    What bad habits should we avoid to be healthy, young, attractive and happy?



Task 7         What are the main rules of keeping fit and healthy?



 Task 8     Read the text and answer the questions below it.

Healthy habits        

Sport helps us become healthy and strong. It keeps us in a good mood. Do you remember the proverb, ”A sound mind in a sound body”? If you do morning exercises, you feel well during the day. Physical exercises keep us fit and we look attractive. Everybody knows that physically inactive people become older much quicker. So sport prevents us from growing old. In my opinion sport is necessary in our lives because it develops many good qualities such as agility, endurance, stamina and collective spirit. Personally, I have PT lessons at school, do morning exercises, play basketball, volleyball and tennis. 


All of us want to be healthy. If you want to feel well, don’t smoke, don’t take drugs, don’t drink alcohol. Smoking and drinking of alcohol are harmful for our health. Taking drugs is dangerous for us. You should go to bed early and get up early: you’ll look and feel fresh. It’s good to be active and to spend a lot of time outdoors. If you have a country house and work there once or twice a week- it’s great. Physical work and fresh air will do you good. Keep to a diet of salad and fruit. Don’t eat too much. Eat healthy food, try to avoid junk food. They say that the ecologically pure environment plays an important role in our life too. We must try to save our health and to be resistant to diseases. So, follow these pieces of advice if you want to live long and happy life.


agility   -    спритність, жвавість

endurance [ɪndjʊ͟ərəns ]   витривалість, тривкість

stamina      [stæ̱mɪnə ]   витривалість,

resistant     [rɪzɪ̱stənt ]   стійкий до …


Why do people go in for sport?

What are the main rules of keeping fit?


Part II        Medical service


a)     Patient’s complaints ([kəmple͟ɪnts] скарги).


Speak about your health problems using the example.

I feel terrible. I’ve got a runny nose and a sore throat. My whole body aches and I’ve got a fever as well. My doctor told me to stay in bed and drink plenty of fluids and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.


Task 9  Learn the rhymes by heart


“I don’t want”

Every time I have a headache

Mama takes me to the doctor.

Every time I have a headache

Mama takes me to the doc.

I have a headache,

I have a headache,

I don’t want to go to bed.

I have a headache,

I have a headache,

I don’t want to go to bed.


Every time I have a stomachache

Mama takes me to the doctor.

Every time I have a stomachache

Mama takes me to the doc.

I have a stomachache,

I have a stomachache,

I don’t want to eat my lunch.

I have a stomachache,

I have a stomachache,

I don’t want to eat my lunch.


Every time I have a toothache

Mama takes me to the doctor.

Every time I have a toothache

Mama takes me to the doc.

I have a toothache,

I have a toothache,

I don’t want to clean my teeth.

I have a toothache,

I have a toothache,

I don’t want to clean my teeth.


“I feel terrible”

I’ve got a headache.

I’ve got a headache.

I don’t want to go to bed.


I’ve got a fever.

I’ve got a fever.

I don’t want to do my homework.


I’ve got a stomachache.

I’ve got a stomachache.

I don’t want to eat my lunch.

I’ve got a blister.

I’ve got a blister.

I don’t want to see my sister.


Every time I get a headache,

Mama takes me to the doctor.

Every time I get a fever,

Mama takes me to the nurse.


Every time I get a toothache,

Mama takes me to the dentist.

Every time I see the dentist,

I always come home feeling worse.


Task 10       What health problems has the bear got?

a.              Backache
Heart pain
Running nose
Sore throat



a)      Names of diseases.

Illness [ɪ̱lnəs]disease  [dɪzi͟ːz] -  хвороба

illness: the state of being ill (f.e. His illness prevented him from going to school.)

disease: a particular kind of illness with special symptoms and name.


The grippe = the flu /the flue




Scarlet fever

Tuberculosis (TB)


Red rash




Asthma/bronchial, cardiac




[ grip ]

[ ɪ̱nflue̱nzə ]

[ mi͟ːz(ə)lz ]


[skɑ͟ː(r)lət fi͟ːvə(r)]



[re̱d  ræ̱ʃ]




[æ̱smə, AM æ̱z-]






запалення легенів












b)    Examining a patient  ([pe͟ɪʃ(ə)nt] хворий)


c)     Medical advice and medical treatment

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